English Bay in Late Autumn, from Second Beach, Stanley Park, Vancouver

English Bay at Second Beach, Stanley Park. 30 November 2020. (Photo: Hendrik Slegtenhorst)

The magnificent English Bay in late autumn, as seen from the Stanley Park Seawall just above Second Beach.

Second Beach lies between English Bay Beach and Third Beach, and, hence, obviously named as it is. The area includes the pool, built in the 1880s and originally draw and fill. The first pool was replaced in 1995 and is still salt water.

This is an exceedingly popular destination, as it is easy to reach from the city, and Ceperley Meadow stretches away inland from it, and is used to host a vast number—too many, really, for the sanity of mind of those who live in the West End—over the year, and especially during the summer. The pandemic has quite quietened this proclivity of the City and the Park Board.

English Bay and Point Grey, from Second Beach, Stanley Park. 30 November 2020. (Photo; Hendrik Slegtenhorst)