Constellations of Desire – Return to Vancouver

The Stanley Park marinas at Coal Harbour, and the downtown of the city, Vancouver, Canada. 9 November 2015. (Photo: Hendrik Slegtenhorst)
The Stanley Park marinas at Coal Harbour, and the downtown of the city, from the Seawall, Vancouver, Canada. 9 November 2015. (Photo: Hendrik Slegtenhorst)



Vancouver, BC – Edmonton, AB, 2-26 February 2015


In the accent-heavy emigrant’s taxicab

We bridge the Fraser River, at the point

Where the drive train sheared, nine years ago;

The electric mentality of overwhelm

Preamble to this reconfiguration.


Place of loss and flight of welcome.


Here at the sea the preparations place themselves

At the feet of the wanderers, the pale rains

Clarifications of the skin of history, withering away

The insensate moments made less with money long past

And those who never cared to care.


So: goodbye.

My word is renewed, and you cannot follow me,

For I am back in the last land of my last becoming.


Dalhousie Review (Halifax, NS), 95:2 (2015)